Alaska’s naturally given capacities, including the ability for scaled-up production of algae, make it an optimal future hub of aviation innovation.
Aviation in North Carolina contributes 11% of North Carolina’s Gross Domestic Product (GP), making a total impact of $88 billion to the state economy annually, according to a new report from the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT).
Avina Clean Hydrogen will invest $820m to develop a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production facility in southwest Illinois, the US.
The group of investors seeking to take over electric aircraft manufacturer Lilium plans to invest more than €200 million ($205 million) into the insolvent company.
Civic leaders say the company's infrastructure investments at Camarillo Airport (CMA) and Trenton-Mercer Airport (TTN) will bring 'investment, jobs and revenue' to local communities.
The aviation industry is at the cusp of a sustainability revolution, reflecting initiatives like the U.S. Aviation Climate Action Plan and the general aviation industry’s ambitious commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.