International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) said it has partnered with Carbon Trade eXchange (CTX) to develop Aviation Carbon Exchange (ACE) platform for business aviation companies to voluntarily purchase carbon credits to offset their CO2 emissions.

Around one in five customers of Victor's private jet charter booking platform pay extra to reduce carbon emissions through its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) direct-to-consumer option.

In a Sept. 1 opinion piece, the president of the 150-year old agriculture organization highlighted business aviation’s sustainability record with lawmakers joining the caucus.

AIN spoke with Boeing’s Wisk Aero subsidiary to find out how it is developing a fully autonomous eVTOL aircraft.

The Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce released a statement on Monday, Aug. 26 congratulating U.S. Representatives Adam Finstad (R) and Angie Craig (D) for their work with the Congressional Sustainable Aviation Caucus to promote cleaner fuel for commercial airlines and the potential business that support could bring to the state of Minnesota.

For years, you've been able to watch cool-looking electric-plane videos on YouTube, created by some of the 300 companies who are working on them. But Beta Technologies, in Burlington, Vermont, is unique.

CLIMBING. FAST. is an advocacy initiative to showcase business aviation’s many societal benefits, from driving opportunities for today’s workforce, to leading sustainability innovations to achieve a commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

CLIMBING. FAST. is an advocacy initiative to showcase business aviation’s many societal benefits, from driving opportunities for today’s workforce, to leading sustainability innovations to achieve a commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.


Working to Reach Net Zero


Creating Jobs & Opportunities


Connecting Communities


Helping Businesses Succeed


Providing Lift for Humanitarian Needs

Fact: Business aviation has slashed carbon emissions by 40% in just four decades.

Fact: Each new generation of aircraft is up to 35% more efficient than its predecessor model.

Fact: Business aircraft make 15,000 flights a year for humanitarian purposes

Fact: Sustainable Aviation Fuel can reduce net-carbon emissions by up to 80%.

Fact: Business aviation generates nearly $250 billion in economic activity.

Fact: Business Aviation is on a mission to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Fact: Business aviation supports more than one million U.S. jobs.

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“Our airplane is a lifeline to medically under-served communities that span four time zones.”

Dr. Michael Gregory, Chairman, Apogee Physicians

“Our clients have the certainty that we can be on site at a moment’s notice.”

David Greiner , Isotropic Networks

“Our company very quickly saw the importance of our ability to travel and get to places that are ‘ungettable.’”

Larry Stoddard , President and CEO, RelaDyne
